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February’s webinar, “How (and why) to Discuss Social Issues in Your Novel?”

by Lorne Tepperman

February 13, 2025
February’s webinar, “How (and why) to Discuss Social Issues in Your Novel?”

Upcoming Webinar

How (and why) to Discuss Social Issues in Your Novel?

Tuesday, February 25, 2024, 7:00 pm ET

This talk aims to persuade you to fore-front the connection between public issues and personal troubles in your own crime novels. In the webinar, Lorne will consider why you should do that, and how you can do that without slowing down the story. He will also briefly discuss how he did that in his recent novel, DEADLY DONATION.


Lorne Tepperman, a retired Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto, ventures into the realm of fiction with his debut crime novel. As an academic, Tepperman authored, co-authored, edited, and co-edited 88 academic books, delving into topics ranging from social inequality to families to gambling addiction, deviance, and crime.

Lorne is a CWC director for Ontario Southwest/North/Greater Toronto Region.

All CWC members in good standing will receive an email invitation to this event.

Workshops with Halifax author donalee Moulton

CWC Members receive a 15% discount.

February 04, 2025
Workshops with Halifax author donalee Moulton

donalee offers workshops (online and in person) on topics such as editing your work for clarity, crafting a successful synopsis, writing a strong query letter, and getting published.

Upcoming Workshops

Crafting a Successful Synopsis

If you’re looking for an agent or a publisher, you’ll need a synopsis. This online workshop will explore:
• what should go in a synopsis and why
• why and how to break the rules with care (and flair)

Optional feedback on your synopsis is available, including an overview of strengths, style, and structure as well as areas for improvement.

DATES: Tuesdays, Feb 11 & 18, 2025
TIME: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)
COST: $115 workshop. Optional feedback: $50

What’s Your Point Of View (POV)

Choosing the right point of view can elevate your storytelling to new heights. This online workshop will explore:
• the types of POV and the nuances, advantages, challenges, and storytelling power of each
• techniques for using POV to craft engaging narratives

Optional feedback on 3-5 pages of your work is available. This would include flow, engagement, organization, and use of POV.

DATES: Thursdays, Feb 13 & 20, 2025
TIME: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)
COST: $115 workshop. Optional feedback: $50

More details at: Workshops for Authors

CWC Members receive a 15% discount.


Jany 23 2025, 6:30pm – 9pm

January 09, 2025

We are holding the new year’s first CWC Pub Night, on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at Union Social Eatery from 6:30pm – 9pm. The meeting place is at 4899 Yonge Street (Toronto), two blocks north of the Yonge-Sheppard subway station.

Please confirm via email ---– that you will be able to attend our pub night celebration on January 23.

Our goal, as always, is to meet one another, or re-meet if you’ve already met everyone. Also, and most auspiciously, we are going to celebrate all the new books published by members of our group since October 1, 2024.

Please feel free to bring along a few copies of your most recent book(s) to show off or trade with other attendees, if you want to. This would be a good opportunity to get your name out there and, also, see how other CWC members are plying their craft. However, this is not a book fair and there will not be book displays for public view. Just a pub night for friends! And this time, we’re going to make it easier for people to move around and change tables, if they want to.

If you absolutely can’t make it, please send a greeting to those who will be present. (But then, do try to attend the next pub night, in April 2025). In your email, please let us know if you have released (or will have released) a new book between October 1 and December 31. And if you have, let us know if it was your first book being published.

If you have any questions, please send us, Lorne or Jass, a line and we will try to answer them. I look forward to meeting you at the Pub Night.

Governor General appoints Maureen Jennings to the Order of Canada

December 20, 2024
Governor General appoints Maureen Jennings to the Order of Canada

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, has made 88 new appointments to the Order of Canada, including Maureen Jennings.

The Order of Canada is the cornerstone of the Canadian Honours System. Thanks to nominators across the country, it has celebrated the outstanding achievements and wide-ranging contributions of over 8 000 individuals since its creation in 1967.

Maureen Jennings is an author known for her historical crime novels, particularly the Detective Murdoch series, which inspired the long-running TV show Murdoch Mysteries. Her works explore important aspects of Canadian history, especially women's roles during the Second World War. A mentor to fellow writers, she received the Grandmaster Award from Crime Writers of Canada.

Congratulations to Judy Penz Sheluk

December 20, 2024
Congratulations to Judy Penz Sheluk

Out of almost 700 submissions, Judy's e-book, Finding YOUR Path to Publication: A Step-by-Step Guide, was awarded First Place in the Prescriptive/Informative Nonfiction category of the 12th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published E-book Awards. This self-published competition spotlights today’s self-published works and honors self-published authors.

Congratulations to Cathy Ace

Winner of the Best Indie Editor’s Choice by Crime Fiction Lover

December 10, 2024
Congratulations to Cathy Ace

Blurb from Crime Fiction Lover:

The corpse always has something made of a precious substance in this series from Cathy Ace, which features Welsh-Canadian criminal psychologist Cait Morgan and her retired cop husband, Bud. In their latest outing, a champion pearl diver is found floating in the lagoon at the new Tahitian resort where Cait and Bud are staying. It’s just opened and its reputation is on the line, and Cait is sure the death was no accident. A prodigious swimmer wouldn’t drown like that, would they? Whether Cait and Bud are at home or abroad in some luxury location, you can always be sure that a cosy mystery will follow them. Perfect escapism from Cathy Ace. See our review here and/or order your copy here.

See all the winners at The Crime Fiction Lover Awards 2024: The Winners | Crime Fiction Lover

2025 Membership Renewals

December 03, 2024
2025 Membership Renewals

We recently sent you an Email regarding a discounted rate for 2-year membership renewals; an issue was identified with the some of the instructions in that Email and we wanted to send a follow-up with corrected instructions, as well as clarify some details of the renewal process with the new website, based on questions and feedback we've received.


In the previous Email, we mentioned that members currently on 1-year membership terms could take advantage of the December discount for 2-year renewals by changing their membership level -- however, the membership management system will not allow for a level change if renewal is pending for their existing membership level (which is the case for members with a renewal date of December 31st).

If you attempted to follow the previous instructions but were unable to find the option to change your membership level, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to view your Membership Profile page at

  2. Look for a yellow box near the top, containing the words "Membership renewal initiated."

  3. In the same box, click on the link titled "Cancel renewal and void invoice".

  4. After doing that, you should then be able to see the "Change" link (to the right of the details of your current membership level), clicking on that should allow you to switch to a 2-year membership term.


Since the launch of the new website earlier this year, we've been using a new membership management system & that has introduced some changes to the renewal process. At 30 days before your renewal date, the system will generate and send a renewal invoice -- this is done so that members have sufficient time to renew their membership before the due date; the renewal invoice is not due until the actual renewal date, and is not a receipt/payment notice.

If membership hasn't been renewed by 30 days past the renewal date, then that membership will be considered "Lapsed" and the renewal invoice will be automatically voided. And there are several additional renewal reminder notice sent before that point (15 days before the renewal date, on the day-of, and 15 days after the renewal date) to ensure that memberships don't expire unintentionally.


The membership management system that's part of the new website includes support for automated, recurring renewal payments -- due to technical factors and policies of the payment processing system we use, this is currently available only for the 1-year membership terms, and not for 2-year terms. If your membership is currently 1-year and you renewed your membership 2024 via the new website, then automated recurring payments are most likely already enabled for your membership.

When paying online for a 1-year membership renewal (or new membership), the system will automatically enable recurring payments -- though this can easily be turned off if you would rather send payment manually (see below for the steps to check if automatic recurring payment is enabled, and how to disable it if desired). On the renewal due date, the system will automatically process membership renewal & payment; a copy of the invoice & the normal renewal reminders will still be sent before that point, however you don't need to take any action related to them if you have enabled automatic payments, as your membership will be renewed automatically.


The easiest way to determine if automatic recurring payments are enabled for your account is to go to the "Invoices and payments" portion of your account profile:

From there, if recurring payments are enabled you should see a button labeled "STOP RECURRING PAYMENTS"; if that button isn't present, then recurring payments aren't enabled for your membership.


If you currently have recurring payments enabled and wish to turn them off (E.g. if you prefer to send payment manually or offline), simply go to the go to the "Invoices and payments" portion of your account profile:

From there, click on the "STOP RECURRING PAYMENTS" button. After doing that, your next membership renewal will not be processed automatically & you will need to re-enter your payment information (or send payment offline) instead.


If you have questions, or need assistance related to membership renewal, please don't hesitate to ask. The quickest way to get assistance is to Email us at, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.


We can do more and you can help

December 03, 2024

We are asking for your support for our ambitious plans to do more of what we already do well—expanding our programs to promote and support Canadian crime writing. To do more, we need additional financing, staff, and volunteers over the next year. You can help!

As you probably know, we’re currently in a period of transition. We have a new management team. We’re upgrading our membership management and accounting operating systems, improving the performance of our website, and expanding our communications channels and social media presence. During this challenging period, we’ve continued to deliver essential membership services, manage our internationally recognized awards program, produce webcasts and workshops, podcasts, and author interviews, and we’ve significantly raised the profile of CWC, our author members, and their published work.

We plan to continue improving our member services and our mission of promoting and supporting Canadian crime writing.

However, our capacity to expand these programs for greater impact is severely limited by our lack of funds and staff resources. So, we’re asking for your help to raise funds and actively support our efforts. The current CWC management team is limited to two contracted part-time staff members and a few pro-active volunteers. Our annual budget is thinly stretched across these limited activities so we can avoid operating at a deficit.

Our primary sources of funds, until now, have been membership fees, sponsorships, and the annual awards program. However, we now have the opportunity to solicit donations as a registered charity under our official designation as a National Arts Service Organisation which supports Canadian crime writing.

Our ambitious plans for the future are being documented in an updated Strategic Plan.

To fulfill our mission of promotion and support of Canadian crime writing more effectively, this updated plan will focus on the following themes:

  • Pride in our forty-year legacy of internationally recognized award-winning best-selling authors and our more recently acclaimed highly accomplished author members.
  • Prominence as the internationally recognized pre-eminent Canadian professional association for crime writers of mystery and suspense, thrillers, short stories, true crime, and non-fiction.
  • Professionalism in our management and operations, the delivery of member services, mentorship and the development of new writers, and our commercial relationships with sponsors, supporters, and contractors.

You can help Crime Writers of Canada achieve these important improvement objectives now. Please consider supporting our mission, and help us provide more stable and predictable financial resources and additional staffing for key committees, staff positions and programs by contributing in any of the following ways:

  1. Accept our Special Offer for early renewals and new memberships received before December 31,,2024 with a 20% discount for a two-year membership.

    Professional Author Member
    @ only $224 versus 2 X $140 = $280, saving $56.
    Associate Member @ only $152 versus 2 x $95 = $190, saving $38.
    Supporting Member @ only $152 versus 2 x $95 = $190, saving $38.

    This discount is valid until December 31, 2024. Your early membership renewal will NOT affect your expiry date (e.g, if your membership expires in February 2025, a two-year early renewal before December 31 will extend that membership until February 2027).

    If you are currently on a 2-year membership term, then simply click the "RENEW NOW" button (below) before December 31st to take advantage of the discount.

    If you are currently on a 1-year membership term and would like to take advantage of the discount, you will need to change your membership level. To do so, please see the instructions here.

    If you have already renewed your 1-year membership, you can still take advantage of the discount by changing to a 2-year membership -- to do so, please follow the instructions above. Once payment has been received for your new membership level, we will send you a refund for the difference between your previous membership level and the new one.


    You can also renew your 1-year membership on your renewal date at the regular membership rate of $140 (Professional Author Member) or $95 (Associate and Supporting Members).


  2. Make a tax-deductible donation to Crime Writers of Canada as a National Arts Service Organisation before December 31 and immediately receive a tax receipt applicable for 2024. Any amount, large or small, will make a difference and inspire us to do more for Canadian crime writing.


  3. Volunteer your time and expertise with one of the national committees – Strategic Planning, Membership, Awards, Marketing or Finance – or actively support your Regional Director with local activities and author events.

    Please contact our Executive Director or Regional Director to discuss our needs and where you might be able to help.

We look forward to your continued support and active engagement in promoting and supporting Canadian crime writing and working with your fellow members. Please share this appeal with your contacts, readers, friends, and fans of Canadian crime writing who may also wish to join us in these efforts.

We sincerely thank you for your time and appreciate your consideration of this appeal.

The Executive Committee of Crime Writers of Canada,





Winona Kent

Del Chatterson

Ludvica Boota

Erik D’Souza


Vice Chair

Executive Director

Marketing & Communications Manager

Upcoming Webinar: Using a Newsletter to Attract and Keep Readership

Tuesday, November 26th, 7:00 pm ET

November 15, 2024
Upcoming Webinar: Using a Newsletter to Attract and Keep Readership

Join author Amy Tector as she shares insights on leveraging her newsletter to amplify her writing and connect with readers. Discover how she crafts engaging content that promotes her work and builds a vibrant community.


Amy Tector has spent more than 20 years plumbing the secrets squirrelled away at Canada’s national archives, Library and Archives.Amy’s debut novel, THE HONEYBEE EMERALDS was published in spring 2022 and was a finalist for the Indie Book Award Best - First Novel. Her second novel, THE FOULEST THINGS, was the first in a loose trilogy centered on murders and mayhem in the archives. It was a finalist in the Crime Writers of Canada awards. SPEAK FOR THE DEAD was the second in the series and the third is HONOR THE DEAD.Amy has a PhD in English literature and lives in Ottawa, Canada with a daughter named Violet, a husband named Andrew and a dog named Daffodil. She is an enthusiastic, but incompetent, cross-country skier.

All CWC members will receive an email invitation to join us on November 21th.

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