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Taxes for Writers with Sunny Widerman

August 6, 2021
Webinars and Meet & Greets
Taxes for Writers with Sunny Widerman
In order to view this video, please login with your CWC member account (active CWC members only).

Taxes will always be an important part of running a business, and the earlier you learn the basics, the fewer headaches you’ll have down the road. Everyone wants to do the right thing when it comes to taxes, but not everyone knows what the right thing is. That goes double for self-employed or freelance earners, who have more choices and responsibilities when it comes to taxes than regular employees do — and seemingly less information available. With the tips in this webinar you can keep yourself out of hot water. That means more time and mind space to devote to your writing! Led by Sunny Widerman, owner of Personal Tax Advisors, this down-to-earth and ‘plain speak’ webinar will cover: • GST/HST: How it works and why, when, and how to register • Business-use-of-home expenses: What’s eligible and what’s not • Other eligible expenses • Record keeping and tracking your expenses • What to do about out of country publishers and sales About Sunny Widerman Sunny Widerman has been a tax preparer and advisor since 2002, with a growing clientele of freelancers, business owners and professionals. Through her firm Personal Tax Advisors, Sunny specializes in helping clients take control of their tax planning by explaining the tax issues that affect them. She focuses on a gentle, non-threatening approach to financial issues and clear, jargon free language. Got a great idea for a webinar? Contact

How to Decipher Amazon Advertising with Bryon Cohen

June 6, 2021
Webinars and Meet & Greets
How to Decipher Amazon Advertising with Bryon Cohen
In order to view this video, please login with your CWC member account (active CWC members only).

Amazon is now the third-largest advertising network in the world (behind Facebook and Google). As it becomes harder and harder to be seen on the major bookselling platform, learning how to run ads could be the difference between success and failure. During this talk, Amazon Ad School Founder Bryan Cohen will help you take your first baby steps into the confusing and rewarding platform.

International Rights with Meg Wheeler

April 6, 2021
Webinars and Meet & Greets
International Rights with Meg Wheeler
In order to view this video, please login with your CWC member account (active CWC members only).

Jun 2020 webinar: International Rights Q&A with Meg Wheeler Meg Wheeler is an Associate Agent and the International Rights Director at Westwood Creative Artists in Toronto. Prior to joining WCA, she was a freelance publishing consultant. Visit her WCA page at Got a great idea for a webinar? Contact

Accessible by Design eBooks

April 6, 2021
Webinars and Meet & Greets
Accessible by Design eBooks
In order to view this video, please login with your CWC member account (active CWC members only).


This presentation will provide an overview of accessible publishing and the key principles to keep in mind for e-books that can be used and enjoyed by all readers, including those with print disabilities. Presenters Daniella Levy-Pinto and Ka Li will draw on the work that NNELS (National Network for Equitable Library Service) is doing with independent Canadian publishers to help improve the accessibility of their e-books, and highlight actionable steps that authors and publishers can take to ensure that the books they produce are accessible from the time of production.

About Daniella Levy-Pinto:

Daniella Levy-Pinto is an expert in accessibility, including digital technology and livable spaces. She has been a user of assistive technologies for more than two decades in her different roles in academic and professional settings. She is the Project Coordinator with the National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS) and leads a team of accessibility testers and consultants with print disabilities who assess the accessibility of EPUB files, reading apps and platforms, and makes recommendations for preventing and eliminating barriers. Daniella works to promote and inform a paradigm shift towards content that is born-accessible and universal design. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Toronto.

About Ka Li:

Ka Li is an accessibility and usability consultant in the area of digital access. He works with a variety of organizations to make sure that their products and services provide an outstanding experience for everyone that goes beyond compliance. Currently, he works with NNELS to test the accessibility of library apps and websites and assists with braille related projects. He is a huge advocate for universal accessibility especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. Outside of work, he enjoys practicing Krav Maga and reading good books.

Learn more about NNELSWebsite: http://www.NNELS.caTwitter / nnelscafacebook: / nnels.cayoutube: / @nnelscanada

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