Supervising Secret Service Agent Jessica Fukishura is deployed to Santa Barbara undercover as an attorney and quickly becomes entangled with a prominent lawyer who has connections with Colombian drug cartels. Jesica works with R&P Investigations and local authorities to determine the depth and breadth of the Southern California cocaine business.
A man is murdered. Two more are dead. The cop linking all three just wants a cup of coffee but may end up as number four.
A young Calgary woman in love with her married boss breaks into his house to learn the truth about his marriage.
A remote Welsh village. A grisly find. Decades of deceit tear a family apart. Psychological suspense; deadly consequences.
When a woman winds up dead and a forgery is discovered in the local art gallery, Leo Blue has to find a murderer and a forger.
Claire expected her hostess to be boring, not dead. A body in the pavilion is too much reality for tour guide Claire Barclay.
What do a trunk full of vintage clothes, a handsome land developer, and a fifty year old diamond heist have in common?
A legendary Welsh prose collection from the Middle Ages; Six pebbles with the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc symbols; Two dragons released by the 7-year-old wizard, Merlin; A walking-witch figure hidden in the tube map of London; The most deranged murders that irritated the Queen of England; The force of ‘Rose & Griffins’ are awakening!
Truman McClusky is a spy running for his life - underwater - but hellbent on a mission of revenge: to kill his former partner
A woman is reported missing and can be linked to numerous brutal, unsolved murders.
Enter Mickey Kelly's noir world, a surreal complexity of scam artists, drug dealers, thieves, mobsters, and killers.
4 novellas: new tales featuring Cait Morgan, the WISE Enquiries Agency and DI Evan Glover, joined by a standalone thriller.
“Amore mio, Mikey,” Julia whispered. “He’s dead.”
A cop is shot. A mother loses her son. The inside story.
MacNeice and his team hunt a sophisticated serial killer who draws his inspiration from classic works of art.
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