9 tantalizing tales that are the embodiment of the cozy mystery genre. Plenty of warmth, humour and unusual settings.
A tight team of undercover cops, an identified target, and then a fatal misstep. Now, the chase is personal.
A light mystery set in Grand Bank on the easternmost tip of Canada featuring food, friends, fun and a few dead bodies.
Retired Chief Inspector Patrick Mullan is found brutally murdered in his bed— who hated the man enough to kill him twice?
In a small college town in northern Alberta, there can be burdens to bury.
Ce recueil présente quatre univers bien distincts et dans chacun d’eux les protagonistes sont invariablement confrontés à la désillusion. Voici leur histoire.
Did Marie-Joseph Angélique, an enslaved Black woman, burn Montreal's merchant quarter to the ground in 1734? Maybe. Maybe not
The sergeant got to the big double doors and pulled open the right-hand one. He stopped suddenly, his broad frame filling the door frame. Uquhart felt the hair rise on the back of his neck and he ran to be beside his friend. The others followed.
‘Oh, my God,’ said Sloan, who ripped open the other door and ran onto the deck of the pool.
There, in the centre of the water’s placid surface, floated the slim body of a young woman, dressed in the day uniform of a maid in the employ of Castle Clyburn. She was face down and her dark hair floated wide. The sergeant clutched the door with white knuckles.
Sloan kicked off his shoes, removed his socks, and dove in. It was a clean dive and Urquhart watched as Sloan swam, in just three powerful strokes, to beside the young woman. Sloan rolled her part-way over, then looked up at Sergeant MacDonald.
Inspector Jimmy Urquhart, new cop and new in town, isn't ready to be in charge of a high-profile murder case. But he is.
A search for the daughter of a mining magnate leads Sean to Africa and Macao, involving him in international intrigue.
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