SIMPLY THE BEST - It may be simple, it’s never easy Dale Hunter is again up against the gangsters who tried to murder him once and are now threatening his family. Meanwhile, Hunter’s new partner in Taiwan is dragging him into smuggling schemes with the Triads. The danger escalates. Hunter’s escape may seem simple, but it’s never easy.
Supervising Secret Service Agent Jessica Fukishura is deployed to Santa Barbara undercover as an attorney and quickly becomes entangled with a prominent lawyer who has connections with Colombian drug cartels. Jesica works with R&P Investigations and local authorities to determine the depth and breadth of the Southern California cocaine business.
A man is murdered. Two more are dead. The cop linking all three just wants a cup of coffee but may end up as number four.
A young Calgary woman in love with her married boss breaks into his house to learn the truth about his marriage.
A remote Welsh village. A grisly find. Decades of deceit tear a family apart. Psychological suspense; deadly consequences.
When a woman winds up dead and a forgery is discovered in the local art gallery, Leo Blue has to find a murderer and a forger.
Claire expected her hostess to be boring, not dead. A body in the pavilion is too much reality for tour guide Claire Barclay.
What do a trunk full of vintage clothes, a handsome land developer, and a fifty year old diamond heist have in common?
A legendary Welsh prose collection from the Middle Ages; Six pebbles with the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc symbols; Two dragons released by the 7-year-old wizard, Merlin; A walking-witch figure hidden in the tube map of London; The most deranged murders that irritated the Queen of England; The force of ‘Rose & Griffins’ are awakening!
Truman McClusky is a spy running for his life - underwater - but hellbent on a mission of revenge: to kill his former partner
A woman is reported missing and can be linked to numerous brutal, unsolved murders.
Enter Mickey Kelly's noir world, a surreal complexity of scam artists, drug dealers, thieves, mobsters, and killers.
4 novellas: new tales featuring Cait Morgan, the WISE Enquiries Agency and DI Evan Glover, joined by a standalone thriller.
“Amore mio, Mikey,” Julia whispered. “He’s dead.”
A cop is shot. A mother loses her son. The inside story.
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