Foiling a kidnap plot leads Maddie to an undercover gig in a Gilded Age NYC mansion, up against her most ruthless enemy yet.
A lost coin springs a fatal trap. Matthew Traverse must unmask a murderer before a master criminal plan destroys everything.
An assassination. A tangled web of murder, money laundering, and kidnapping.
The first three novels in the series The ABC Files are collected here.
Prom night. Darina was having the time of her life. Until someone killed her.
When murder strikes, you’d better know
Who’s friend?
Who’s foe?
An unknown victim, international secrets and a killer who's one step ahead! The sixth book of The Lake Pines Mystery Series.
Gilda Wright wants to know who left her boyfriend deaf and another man dead in an explosion before anyone else gets hurt.
Undercover at a Carnevale costume shop in Venice, Maddie tackles eccentric inventors, industrial spies, & ill-starred lovers.
L’étreinte des naufrageurs poursuit la Chronique noire de Maisonneuve, une série de romans noirs d’ambiance.
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