Book Catalogue
Aloha, Candy Hearts
Anthony Bidulka
- Insomniac Press
- ISBN: 978-1-897178-76-4
- May 2009
- Trade paperback $21.95
From Pacific to Prairie, a teasing treasure hunt turns into a frightening game of cat and mouse. P.I. Russell Quant is plunged into the vagaries of a shocking hometown murder and the blasphemous blackmail of one of the literary world's most esteemed writers.
Attempting to keep pace with his latest mystery, Russell balances his professional life with the demands of a wedding, a memorial, and at least one home-cooked meal at Mom’s. With the Hawaiian sand barely shaken from his hair, Russell is confronted, both professionally and personally, with the harsh consequences of indecision. Saying hello and good-bye is never easy.