Book Catalogue

i Hit

Rick Alexander

  • Friesen Press
  • ISBN: 978-1-5255-7847-21
  • Release Date: December 15, 2020
  • iHit, has been written to give readers an accurate description of how a blood feud is started and ended in a modern urban setting. The author has always been a fan of true fiction authors and finally put pen to paper (typed actually) in 2019. The characters are fictional but the scenarios are very common. Plans being hashed by young people with no knowledge of the whats behind the door they are knocking on until it's opened, by death.

    Both sides of the law end up griped by fresh murder and try and get ahead of the situation by making moves that appear easy, until enacted. The police have proven history to follow and gangster don’t care about following any rules.

    While iHIt was written it gave birth to notes for two other follow up books; to help capture all the bright ideas that drive groups to action. Both sides of the law want the same thing, to control the streets and to get paid. The main difference is one side gets paid for breaking the law and the other gets paid to stop them.

    This fictional story is set in B.C’s border cities of Surrey and Langley. Enjoy your front row seat thats as close to the action as you want to get.

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