Book Catalogue

The Darkness Drops

Peter Clement

  • Release Date: January 1, 2010
    • Publisher: e-book--Belgrave House; Audio Book--Hudson Audio Publishing
    • Ie-book-- June 1st 2010; Audio book--July 2010
    • Format: e-book--PDF; MSReader; Mobipocket; ePub; Palm; HTML; Word; RTF; Rocket; HiebookPDF - MSReader - Mobipocket - ePub - Palm - HTML - Word - RTF - Rocket - Hiebook Audio Book--i-tunes; Amazon Audio Books;
    • Price: e-book--$5.00 US
    • Audio Book--$20.00 US

    Dr. Terry Ryder, Chief Advisor to the White House for Bioterror Preparedness, faces a lethal outbreak, the cause unknown, its symptoms so bizarre they defy diagnosis, and for which no treatment exists. He also suspects its origins may lie in his own ruthless history. Not just another virus tale, this taut, richly-plotted thriller is a complex rendering of how, in a time of disease on a scale not seen since the pandemic of 1918, the human heart has reasons that reason knows not, and the so called objective practice of science and medicine is shaped by love and loss.

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