On a quick walk in the middle of Edinburgh, Claire Barclay finds a body and tumbles into intrigue.
A Russell Quant Mystery: Quant comes face to face with a client who may be the bad guy, a quarry who turns up in the most unexpected place and a cast of colourful suspects...
Camilla tracks Mrs. Parnell around Italy, chasing old secrets with deadly ramifications.
As the snow melts and the promise of spring emerges, a chill settles on the residents of this small town when a lone hiker discovers a partially buried body. There was no way to predict that the horrific scene would be made worse by the end of the day - but it is.
No matter how hard they try, Carmedy and Garrett can't avoid each other and they might be next on a killer's list.
What if all things that happen in life-good and evil-are not random or coincidence, but really intentional cyber events?
Nicola Henderson, victim services advocate, has a stalker. Who helps the helper when it's the helper who needs help?
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