Book Catalogue

Buried Road

Katie Tallo

ISBN: 9780063360730  Cost: $34.99

ISBN: 9780063360716  Cost: $23.99

ISBN: B0CXTKBP4P  Cost: $12.99

Three years after a devastating disappearance during a camping trip, Gus Monet and her young daughter, Bly, are drawn back to Prince Edward County when new evidence emerges that turns the cold case red hot. Searching for answers, the pair vow to expose whoever went to deadly lengths to destroy their lives. Told in the compelling voice of young Bly, this edge-of-your-seat thriller culminates in a heart-pounding, soul-crushing finale. Infused with vivid summer imagery, eerie abandoned places, and sinister small town secrets, Buried Road is the story of a young girl led ever closer to danger by her mother’s unwavering resolve to uncover the truth. Yet it’s this very resolve that might, in the end, ensure their survival.

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