Book Catalogue

Flurries Ending

Kelly Young

  • Independently published
  • ISBN: 1520356501.00
  • Release Date: September 23, 2014
  • Kim Johnson's life comes to a screeching halt when police arrive on her front step with the news that her husband has been killed in an accident. Haunted by memories and needing to escape well-wishers, Kim decides to travel to the family cottage to deal with her grief alone. That is, if she can make it north before the forecasted snow storm hits. The drive is harrowing, with flurries battling memories for Kim's attention. The weather wins, demanding her attention as the snow gets heavier and she must concentrate on her driving. When she reaches the cottage, she knows she won't be leaving for a while. As she goes through items she plans to take back home, Kim discovers things about her husband that chill her to the bone and the events she has built her life around take on an entire new meaning. She must come to terms with the fact that her husband was not the man she loved, and decide what she will do with that knowledge. As the snow falls around her and the life she thought she had along with it, she must face the most difficult decision of her life.
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