Book Catalogue

Letters From Johnny

Wayne Ng

  • Release Date: April 1, 2021
  • Paperback:
    ISBN: 9781771835770  Cost: $20

    ISBN: 9781771835787  Cost: $9.95

    Dripping with nostalgia and awash with humour, Letters From Johnny is set in 1970’s Toronto through the eyes of mischievous Johnny Wong, a lonely boy who tries to stickhandle a neighbourhood of immigrants and draft dodgers. Johnny’s world unravels after a murder, a betrayal, and the unexpected emergence of a family member, all this as he tries to make sense of the FLQ crisis. His only solace are letters to a penpal, then to Dave Keon, captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

    🏆 Winner – BEST CRIME NOVELLA – Crime Writers of Canada Award of Excellence 2022

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