Book Catalogue

Past Life’s Revenge: A David Harris and Emma Jackson Mystery

Angela Van Breemen

  • Release Date: July 9, 2024
  • Paperback:
    ISBN: 978-1-7383130-0-6  Cost: $24.99

    ISBN: 978-1-7383130-2-0  Cost: $9.99

    Have you ever had a dream that was so real, you were sure it was from a past life?

    Since childhood, David Harris has suffered from debilitating nightmares. He has sought the advice of psychiatrists and other health professionals without obtaining any relief. When he meets an attractive young psychic, Emma Jackson, she encourages him to seek the help of her friend Anna Tungsten, a hypnotherapist. During an emotionally charged past life regression, David learns he was murdered in his most recent past life, thirty years earlier. When David realizes his murderer is still alive, he cannot move on and a build a new life with Emma until he has exacted revenge and stopped the murderer from killing again. 

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