Book Catalogue

The Goddaughter's Revenge

Melodie Campbell

  • Release Date: January 1, 2013
    • Orca Rapid Reads
    • October 2013
    • Trade paperback $9.99
    • eBook TBA

    Savvy, smart-mouthed Gina Gallo saved the day for her inept mob family in The Goddaughter. Now she’s back, with a new problem. One of the mob has been switching real gems for fakes in the jewellery of some of her best customers. With her reputation on the line, what’s a Mob goddaughter to do? Mastermind a string of burglaries to get the gems back of course! But nothing ever goes entirely smoothly for Gina. Soon she and her eccentric cousin Nico are the toast of the town, as the local paper and everyone else follow the antics of their very own Pink Panthers.

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