The death of a child is always heartbreaking, but what Kenzie Kirsch, assistant to the Medical Examiner, finds on her slab shakes her to the core.
For Charlie Hillier, a posting to Cuba could be the perfect place to start his new life - if he survives it
A police officer and his wife raise their family in a dangerous area. They move, and trouble follows, haunting them in every way.
An assassination. A tangled web of murder, money laundering, and kidnapping.
Awakened in the middle of the night by a panic call for help from his high-school hearthrob, Sean makes a grisly discovery.
A search for the daughter of a mining magnate leads Sean to Africa and Macao, involving him in international intrigue.
Death from drug overdose at the local high school leads Cameron and Carroll to investigate a sailing ship for at-risk teens.
When a crisis explodes at New York City Hall, it’s up to the NYPD Hostage Negotiation Team to save the hostages lives.
"Eye of the Crow," the first novel in the award-winning "Boy Sherlock Holmes" series, groundbreaking novels for young readers
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