Book Catalogue

Assassination of a Dignitary

Carolyn Arnold

  • Release Date: January 1, 2013
  • eBook:
    ISBN: 978-1-988064-62-8  Cost: $5.99

    ISBN: 978-1-988064-04-8  Cost: $27.99

    ISBN: 978-1-988353-15-9  Cost: $40.99

    Raymond Hunter's dark past has returned and demands one final favor. Now fifteen years later, settled as an accountant and family man, the Italian Mafia wants him back.

    The mark is the Governor of Michigan, but when the assassination attempt fails, his family is kidnapped and he has twenty-four hours to set things right.
    With time running out, Raymond discovers he and his family are in the middle of a mafia power struggle. What he doesn't realize is that law enforcement is also closing in.

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